Selective Hearing vs. Hearing Loss: How to Tell the Difference
When the term selective hearing is used, it’s often meant to imply hearing the things we want to hear, while not hearing the things we don’t. For example, we might hear our partner say that dinner is ready, but we don’t hear them when they ask us to help with the dishes.
It’s common for partners and other loved ones to occasionally not catch what the other said. However, if miscommunications become more frequent, or you find yourself struggling to pick up on parts of conversations, it might be an early sign of hearing loss instead.
What is Selective Hearing?
While selective hearing may have a negative connotation, it actually can be a helpful ability. For example, it allows you to tune out other noises and focus on a specific speaker in a loud environment.
Research has shown that your goals play a big role in what you listen to and what you don’t.
In one study, researchers played different pitches in each ear simultaneously and asked participants to note changes in either their left or right ear while ignoring the other. MRI scans showed that participants were able to hear the sounds in each ear, however, brain activation differed based on what sound they were paying attention to.
Signs it Might Be Hearing Loss
If you didn’t hear something your partner said when you are watching a movie or working on a project, it’s likely your attention was just focused elsewhere. However, if you’re feeling concerned, keep an eye out for some of the early signs of hearing loss, which may include:
Family and friends comment on your hearing
Speech sounds muffled or distant
You’re frequently asking others to repeat themselves
You’re finding that you have to turn the volume up louder when you watch TV or listen to music
You struggle to follow conversations in crowded places like Bardea Food & Drink
Schedule a Hearing Test at The First Sign of Problems
If you notice any signs of hearing loss, make an appointment for a hearing test. These exams are quick, painless and offer immediate insight into your hearing abilities. If your test indicates hearing loss, your audiologist will likely recommend hearing aids.
Hearing aids make it easier to understand speech and can improve your communication with others. This strengthens relationships and renews your confidence in social situations.
Take the first step towards better hearing and call Wilmington Audiology Services today to schedule an appointment.