Questions to Ask Your Audiologist to Better Understand Your Hearing Loss
If you’ve taken the important step of getting a hearing test, you’re on your way to improving your hearing and overall quality of life. Once your hearing test is complete, you’ll have an opportunity to…
Auditory Training and Hearing Aids: Working Together To Improve Communication
Living with hearing loss can be frustrating. It often feels like sounds become muddled or indistinguishable, making conversations difficult to follow. While hearing aids amplify sounds, they don’t always solve the problem of processing and…
Thriving Socially with Age-Related Hearing Loss: Tips to Stay Connected
Hearing loss is a common issue among older adults. Nearly one-third of people between the ages of 65 and 74 in the U.S. experience some degree of hearing loss. Known as presbycusis, age-related hearing loss…
Preparing for College with Hearing Loss: A Guide to Thriving in Your New Academic Journey
Hearing loss is a widespread condition, impacting around 60.7 million Americans aged 12 and over. If you’re a young person dealing with hearing loss, you might worry about how it could influence your academic performance…
How To Know When Your Hearing Aids Need Adjusting
Hearing loss is not fixed; it can change and worsen over time. Regular adjustments are crucial to ensure hearing aids effectively meet your evolving auditory needs. During an adjustment or programming appointment, your audiologist will…
What To Know About Tinnitus Counseling?
Tinnitus is a condition where a person hears noises, such as ringing or buzzing, that are not caused by an external source. There’s currently no known cure for tinnitus, but there are therapies that can…
Is Your Hearing Aid Functioning Improperly? (And What To Do If It Is)
Approximately 28.8 million adults in the United States could improve their daily lives with hearing aids. Nevertheless, there’s often a considerable delay in recognizing the need for them. Various factors contribute to this delay, including…
Three Types of Ear Infections That Can Impact Your Hearing
Infections in the ear, caused by bacteria or viruses, lead to various uncomfortable symptoms. Among these, the middle ear infection, also known as otitis media, is the most familiar to many people. However, there are…
What to Know About Ear Piercings and Hearing
Ear piercing is a popular form of self-expression in which jewelry is displayed along various parts of the ear. The lobe is the safest and most common part of the ear to have pierced, but…
Hearing Loss in Young Adults is More Common Than You Might Think
Hearing loss is often associated with old age. While it’s true that the condition becomes more common the older we get, young adults can experience hearing loss as well. Oftentimes, hearing loss in younger people…