Five Reasons You Should Have Your Hearing Tested

Hearing loss affects millions of people in the U.S. each year. In fact, it is the third most common health problem for older adults behind only arthritis and heart disease. The good news? Hearing loss is easily treated. If you think you may have hearing loss, a hearing test is the only way to know for sure.

Below are five reasons why you should have your hearing tested today.

Untreated Hearing Loss Is Dangerous

patient receiving hearing test

Choosing not to treat your hearing loss puts you at risk of a number of mental and physical problems. Most notably, untreated hearing loss has may increase your risk of developing dementia.

Treating Your Hearing Loss Is Beneficial for Your Health

While untreated hearing loss can be detrimental to your health, choosing to treat your hearing loss with the use of hearing aids can delay the onset of dementia, decrease your likelihood of developing anxiety and even prevent you from falling.

Hearing Tests are Easy

Unlike other medical exams, hearing tests are simple, painless and quick. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationAmerican Speech-Language-Hearing Association, hearing tests for adults fall into one of five categories:

  • Pure-tone testing
  • Speech testing
  • Tests of the middle ear
  • Auditory brainstem response (ABR)
  • Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs)

A Warning Sign of Something Else

Your hearing loss may be a warning sign or red flag for other more serious medical conditions. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes both include hearing loss on their list of symptoms. By putting off getting a hearing test, you put yourself at risk of delaying an important diagnosis.

Establish a Baseline

Even if you are exhibiting few signs of hearing loss, getting a hearing test on file is helpful for the future. Having baseline results recorded gives your audiologist something to compare your test results to later on. This ensures they will be able to make a diagnosis early, getting you treatment quickly.

As they say: better safe than sorry. If your loved ones are pushing you to get your hearing tested, audiologists recommend coming in even if you don’t think you have a problem. If the tests come back that you do have a loss, they can work with you to determine an individualized treatment plan. And if the test results prove everything is fine, you get to tell everyone you love “I told you so.”

Contact the experts at Wilmington Audiology today to schedule your hearing test.