Approximately 28.8 million adults in the United States could improve their daily lives with hearing aids. Nevertheless, there’s often a considerable delay in recognizing the need for them. Various factors contribute to this delay, including being unsure of their operation and functionality.
Troubleshooting Hearing Aid Issues

If you’ve previously been skeptical about using hearing aids and are now noticing issues, it might be time to visit your hearing specialist for adjustments. For those unfamiliar with hearing aids, recognizing when they’re working correctly can be challenging.
If you notice any of the following, your hearing aids may not be functioning optimally:
- Feedback, whistling or inconsistent volume: These sound issues may signal that the hearing aids are not properly fitted to your ears or that the device itself is malfunctioning, potentially necessitating repair or replacement. Poorly fitted devices not only diminish hearing aid efficacy but can also cause long-term damage to your ear canal. See your hearing specialist if you experience these issues.
- Abrupt hearing loss: If you perceive a sudden decrease in your hearing aid’s effectiveness, it could be an indicator of advancing hearing loss. This is possibly due to new medication or progression of existing conditions. See your hearing specialist to address sudden changes and to explore the possibility of restoring your hearing.
- Discomfort or pain: Discomfort that develops after prolonged use of a hearing aid might suggest the need to replace worn-out components. If the discomfort occurs with new hearing aids, this could be a sign that they don’t fit properly. Either scenario warrants a visit to your hearing specialist for potential adjustments or upgrades.
Adapting to new hearing aids is a process that often requires check-ins. Alongside the need for configuration, hearing aids require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure they perform effectively.
Patience is key when getting accustomed to new hearing aids. Work closely with your hearing specialist to find the most comfortable and effective settings for you. They are there to support you in achieving the maximum benefits from your hearing aids.
If you have questions or concerns about your hearing aids or if you wish to schedule a hearing test, contact Wilmington Audiology Services to schedule a consultation.