What To Know About Tinnitus Counseling?

Tinnitus is a condition where a person hears noises, such as ringing or buzzing, that are not caused by an external source. There’s currently no known cure for tinnitus, but there are therapies that can help people cope with the condition more effectively. One recommended method is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), supported by both the American Academy of Audiology and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

A Closer Look at CBT

Woman with tinnitus holds ear to hand

Developed in the 1960s, CBT is a type of therapy aimed at transforming negative thought patterns, feelings and behaviors. Studies, including a notable meta-analysis by Hesser and colleagues, have affirmed the benefits of CBT in enhancing mood and maintaining these improvements over time for those with tinnitus. The therapy is designed to impart coping mechanisms to diminish the distress associated with tinnitus.

CBT’s Approach

The CBT process begins by helping individuals recognize that their own negative thought cycles may be exacerbating their distress. By identifying and understanding these patterns, one can learn to redirect their focus toward more positive and constructive thoughts.

Consider someone with tinnitus who avoids quiet spaces like Wilmington Public Library because their tinnitus symptoms become too noticeable and intrusive. CBT would help them to understand how their avoidance negatively affects their life quality and would offer them strategies to rethink their response to their tinnitus symptoms.

Treatment plans using CBT are highly individualized and tailored to address each person’s unique experiences with tinnitus.

Alongside CBT, therapists may employ other methodologies such as Acceptance Commitment Therapy or mindfulness techniques, which can be effective in managing tinnitus when used.

Since tinnitus may also signal potential hearing loss, it’s important to schedule a hearing test if you experience tinnitus symptoms.

Living with tinnitus can be daunting, but there are ways to alleviate the symptoms. For guidance on managing tinnitus or addressing hearing loss, contact Wilmington Audiology Services to schedule an appointment today.