How Music, Memory and Hearing Loss are Connected

Both music and hearing loss can have a significant effect on memory. Music can improve memories and make recollections more vivid. Hearing loss, on the other hand, can negatively affect memory and even can make a person more prone to cognitive decline and dementia. Music and Memory A 2016 study looked at how music evoked…
Trouble Processing Sounds Associated with Decline in Other Cognitive Functions

Attending classes at AR Workshop Wilmington is a great way to spend time with friends, learn new skills and keep your brain sharp. Another way to protect your brain’s health is to treat your hearing loss early. As one study reveals, untreated hearing loss is linked to cognitive impairment. What the Study Shows Rodolfo Sardone and…
Did You Know October Is Audiology Awareness Month?

Hearing loss can cause you to miss out on your favorite fall sounds, from the crunching of leaves at Rockford Park to the crackle of a bonfire and even the sound of geese overhead flying south for the winter. Fortunately, October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means there’s no better time to seek treatment for…
How Caffeine Affects Your Hearing

Waking up to a fresh, hot cup of coffee is one of life’s great pleasures. In addition to helping you feel more awake and alert, many have linked the delicious elixir with an increased risk of hearing loss and tinnitus. But is there any truth to these rumors? Understanding Caffeine Caffeine is a stimulant that…
Hearing Aids and Healthy Brain Function

Contrary to popular belief, more than just your ears are responsible for the act of hearing. Your brain plays a key role in hearing as well, helping you understand speech and process sounds. When hearing loss is left untreated, it causes your brain to work harder, which can lead to cognitive decline. Hearing aids may…
Strategies for Coping with Brain Fog from Hearing Loss

Brain fog is a type of cognitive impairment that can occur seemingly at random in those with untreated hearing loss or vestibular disorders. Feelings of confusion and diminished mental energy can seriously impact your ability to be productive. Learn how to identify your triggers and work your way through the haze. What Is Brain Fog?…
Keep Your Ears Safe This Summer

Summer is made for outdoor adventures, like spending time with family and friends around a campfire or boating on Town Beach at Silver Lake. In addition to the weather being perfect, it is also prime time for damage caused by exposure to loud sounds. Below is a breakdown of what can cause hearing loss and…
Is There a Link Between Hearing Loss and Migraines?

Have you ever developed an intense headache accompanied by nausea and dizziness, as if you’ve just gotten off a ride at Funland? If so, you most likely experienced a migraine – a common neurological disorder. Some researchers believe this disruptive condition may be linked to ear-related issues. Migraines & Hearing Loss Migraines and hearing loss…
World Health Organization Releases New Hearing Loss Estimate

Hearing loss is a global medical issue. According to a new report published by the World Health Organization, the number of people in the world with hearing loss will soon be in the billions. The World Report on Hearing This past March, the World Health Organization (WHO) put out the first ever World Report on…
Helping Your Child with Hearing Loss Develop Social Skills

Everyone wants the best for their child, including a healthy social life. For children with hearing loss, it may be difficult to make friends due to communication barriers and stigma about hearing loss. The first step is for their hearing loss to be identified with a hearing test then treated with hearing aids. The next…