Make The Most of a Night Out with Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic conditions in the United States, and it becomes more common with age. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) states that, “About 2%…
How Untreated Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Mood
There are many great reasons to treat your hearing loss. One of the best reasons is that doing so can help improve your mood and help minimize feelings of loneliness and depression. Untreated Hearing Loss…
Ways to Support a Coworker with Hearing Loss
Whether you realize it or not, it is statistically likely you work with someone who has hearing loss. In fact, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, “Approximately 15% of American…
Is It Safe to Sleep with Headphones or Earbuds?
If you’re trying to wind down before bed by listening to music or drown out the sounds of the bustling city, you may be tempted to sleep with headphones or earbuds. But is doing so…
Metabolic Syndrome Can Increase the Risk of Hearing Loss
According to a recent study, there is a link between metabolic syndrome and sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). In this post, we review what exactly metabolic syndrome is, what SSNHL is, and how the two…
Why Do I Get Occasional Bouts of Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a phantom ringing, roaring, hissing, whistling, buzzing, humming or other sound in the ear that has no external sound source. You may hear it in noisy environments like near construction sites or in…
Three Causes of Fluttering in the Ear
Have you ever felt as though there were helicopter blades or butterfly wings flapping in your ear? These sensations, also described as fluttering in the ear, are not entirely uncommon. Let’s examine three possible causes…
What Is Congenital Hearing Loss & How Is it Treated?
Congenital hearing loss is partial or total loss of hearing that is present at birth. In this post, we review the types, symptoms, causes and treatments for congenital hearing loss. Types of Congenital Hearing Loss…
Protect Your Hearing This Audiology Awareness Month
Not only is October Audiology Awareness Month, but it’s also National Protect Your Hearing Month as well. This makes it the perfect time to discuss some of the best ways to protect your ears and…
Are Loggers at an Increased Risk for Hearing Loss?
Some professions, including being a logger, put you at an increased risk for noise-induced hearing loss. Let’s examine how noise from work can damage your ears as well as what to do to protect your…